Episode 19: A view from Marx's armchair

episode 19
Witia of Dabor

Podcast’s notes:

Modern Gini coefficient data taken from World Population Review


L. Holmes “Communism. A very short introduction”

A. Mildred Franklin “Communism and Dictatorship in Ancient Greece and Rome”

M. Dygo „Czy istniał feudalizm w Europie Środkowo-wschodniej w średniowieczu?”

K. Modzelewski “Barbarzyńska Europa”

E. A. Smith, K. Hill, F. Marlowe and others “Wealth Transmission and Inequality Among Hunter-Gatherers

W. Scheidel, S. J. Friesen “The Size of the Economy and the Distribution of Income in the Roman Empire”

G. Alfani “Economic inequality in preindustrial times: Europe and beyond”

M. Noland “The Distribution of Income in North Korea

Magda LewandowskaComment